Saturday 20 September 2008

Fall, Thanksgiving, Family

It's almost fall. The leaves are turning and I'm getting ready for Thanksgiving. I made plans with my family without checking with Husband. I kind of just assumed that he was only going to have one day off this year, as usual, and that we wouldn't want to drive home. I might have been mistaken. He seems to be a little upset that we are not going home again this year.

I would love to see his folks but the traveling is getting harder on me. If they want to come visit us they are more than welcome! We have the space and the dishes even if it would be a little cramped with my parents here too. I love having the family together! Soon enough his family will be coming this way frequently for MIL's craft shows, so it's not like we won't get to see them until Christmas. I haven't seen my aunt and uncle since our wedding, and they live less than an hour away.

Things still aren't great at work. I'm trying to grin and bear it but it's still not fun. I have a hard time selling a product I'm not really sure I believe in. I am keeping an eye out for other opportunities but with the Squishy on the way I'm not sure if it's worth it.

It occurs to me that this "blog" is halfway between a journal and an op-ed column. I know friends and family occasionally visit to see what I'm up to and what I'm thinking so I suppose I am fulfilling the expected purpose. I like getting my thoughts out, and if strangers and friends like reading these thoughts all the better!

Billy May and his "Zorbeez" kind of freak me out...

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