Wednesday 28 April 2010

Feeling Better

I am finally starting to kick this cold. I still can't taste or smell anything but I slept fairly well last night and my sore throat is lessening. There's still a lot of pain in my sinuses but hopefully that will clear up soon.

We tried looking at another place last night. By tried I mean we drove in to the driveway to turn around to leave. It was a mobile home out in Beaver Brook. We have seen some beautiful mobile homes. This was not one. I did not want my children anywhere near that house. As Husband put it "This is where you go when you get divorced and don't get anything." So he joked about recommending it to a friend who is getting divorced. It was dingy, appeared to be falling apart and it was on a dirt road.

I will keep up the hunt. I got a few more emails back. If you have any tips for finding a rental property in Colchester Co. NS please let me know!

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